Order a prescription

Repeat prescriptions

If you are on long term medication you should be able to obtain repeat prescriptions without seeing the doctor.
Please request your prescription in person at the surgery or by post (including a stamped addressed envelope). Alternatively you can order online via this link NHS online prescription service, please follow the instructions on the page. New users are required to complete a simple registration prior to using this service.

You could also make arrangements with the local chemist of your choice to collect your prescription.

If patients who are set up for the Electronic Prescribing System [EPS] wish to terminate their nomination with the chemist, simply go to the pharmacy and ask for your name to be removed and it will be taken off our system. Your medication will then be printed for you and left at the surgery for you to collect until you wish to sign up with a new chemist.

Please note all prescriptions must be collected before 2pm on Fridays. This will give us enough time to deal with any queries and ensure that you will get your prescription before the weekend.

*Prescriptions cannot be taken over the telephone or fax.
*Please allow two full working days for prescriptions to be processed. Prescriptions with Queries may take longer.

Medication reviews

Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and a notification should appear on your repeat slip. Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.